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Monday, June 7, 2010
Just Cause 2 Review:
Just Cause 2 Review:
Story is not Just Cause 2’s strong point, and that’s putting it mildly. You play as the returning Rico Rodriguez, complete with a handy grappling hook and unlimited supply of parachutes, and you quickly find yourself placed in the middle of a turf war between separate guerrilla factions and the ruling military forces of a fictional island. Your main objective is to complete missions for ‘the Agency’, although you spend most of your time aiding the different factions on the island and blowing up military facilities. It is, of course, a non-story. That’s not necessarily a bad thing per se, except that here, repetition is commonplace and undermines the sense of self deprecating light heartedness that would redeem an otherwise poor story.
You progress the story by unlocking missions that you complete for the separate factions on the island and for the Agency. Missions are unlocked using a ‘Chaos’ experience system, whereby you gain experience for causing Chaos (‘Chaos’ being defined here as anything from completing the different faction and Agency missions already available to you, to blowing up government facilities, vehicles and aircraft). The drawback is that if you wish to progress the main storyline, you’ll need to complete a lot of faction missions, and these tend to feel repetitive almost straight off the bat (Agency missions, on the other hand, are much more inventive and enjoyable). Combine that with paltry amounts of experience for causing random acts of destruction, and the Chaos system can become a grind, rather than a compelling reason to continue to play the game.
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