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Friday, October 9, 2009


Eliza Dushku to WET your appetite with movie

Dirt Cheap Video Games

Eliza Dushku who was the lead voice actress in the video game WET, revealed to MTV news that there could be plans to create a movie adaption to the game.

Eliza had nothing but positive things to say about the game, despite its not so great reception in the gaming industry. “This video game WET I just did, she’s got a working class Lara Croft thing going on, and she’s pretty kick ass,” Eliza said, going on to say “She travels the globe, she’s in Hong Kong and she’s in the UK and she’s a gun for hire and she’s got two samurai swords. She’s pretty vicious.”

Hmm Lara Croft? You might just be giving yourself too much credit right there, but she definitely made sure to hint at a possible live action movie version of the game in which she would also star. “So that’s been something that maybe could turn into a live-action Dushku vehicle.”

Lets hope the movie would be more appealing than the game itself.

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Release of the PSPGo

Don’t call it a come back… With Sony’s release of the PSPGo last week and the PSP 3000 model at an irresistible price, PSP numbers all around have taken off like a rocket. It is being said that there is a 300% increase in PSP sales in the United States during the first three days of the PSPGo’s launch. Releasing Gran Turismo on the same day was a sure contribution to those numbers. In the UK sales are said to be up 120%. As for content the PlayStation Store, sales are up to 200% due to the mass flooding of PSP games now on the network. With the holiday season creeping up and games like Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines, GTA Chinatown Wars, Socom, Jak and Daxter, Little Big Planet, and whatever else I could name, I don’t expect the PSP to fall off for the rest of the year..biz


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