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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Batman: Arkham Asylum Review:
In the classic debate of Superman versus Batman I have always found myself on the side of the Dark Knight. Sure, Superman could easily beat him to a pulp when you think about it realistically, but what’s fun about a super hero who is invincible except for a single weakness? Well when it comes to video games I think a clear winner has been decided. Batman: Arkham Asylum might be the best super hero game ever, while the horror of Superman 64 has forever marred the reputation of the man of steel.
Batman: Arkham Asylum lets you play as the caped crusader during what the developers call “the worst night of his life”. Joker is in custody and you are taking him to Arkham Asylum but things seem off. Batman is worried that something is wrong since Joker was caught too easily; it's almost as if he wanted to be caught. With that glaring foreshadow out of the way Joker soon escapes with the help of Harley Quinn and has taken over all of Arkham Asylum’s security systems. He lets loose the residents of Arkham and suddenly Batman is faced with the likes of Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, and Scarecrow. You have to battle all of the released super villains in one way or another, as well as the many minions that Joker has brought along with him from Blackgate Prison, in order to get Arkham back under control.

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