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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Deadly Premonition Review:
Deadly Premonition Review:
The film industry has a long history of movies that are so bad, they're great. Evil Dead, Plan 9 From Outer Space, and of course the epic Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter come to mind for piling on the crap so high it turns into a black hole of crap and becomes good. Ignition Entertainment's Deadly Premonition may be the first game to conquer this turd-mountain.
Deadly Premonition begins with the murder of a young woman; sliced open breastbone to navel and nailed to a tree in a small US town close to the Canadian border called Greenvale. You step into the shoes of FBI Agent Francis York Morgan (call him York, everyone does) whose car careens off the road on his way to Greenvale, and who then battles some zombies to get into the town.
Once you arrive in town, things finally start to get weird. Deadly Premonition is an obvious send-up of the David Lynch series Twin Peaks; complete with no shortage of mentally unstable townsfolk, a lumbermill, and a crazed killer. Agent York talks to his imaginary friend Zach, sees portents in his morning coffee, and often finds more pleasure in a deputy's cooking than finding new clues. Greenvale is a big sandbox filled with quirky characters and amusing dialog. Unfortunately, the gameplay manages to find a way in.
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