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Saturday, May 29, 2010
Alan Wake Review:
First things first, the delay. Clocking up six years of development time, if Alan Wake is to win any awards this year, it’ll certainly snatch the “Longest development for a game that isn’t shovelware and actually turned out pretty good” gong, (Duke Nukem Forever? Forget it. It isn’t coming). So after years of being thrown tidbits, I believe I speak on behalf of everyone when I say it was a relief to finally see the fruits of Remedy’s hard work at E3 last year (perhaps not PC gamers). With the curtains shut and the lights turned off, I jumped into the world of Bright Falls. Alan Wake has arrived... fashionably late.
If you didn’t know already, Alan Wake is 50% story and 50% actual game. That’s not an over-exaggeration either. Much has been invested into making this not only a unique tale, but one told in an original, fresh, never-before-seen-in-a-video-game way.
Successful novelist Alan Wake is deceived into taking a vacation to the sleepy town of Bright Falls, Washington, by his wife Alice. Ok that’s probably a more cynical twist. She has his best interests at heart. Alice believes the beautiful setting Bright Falls exhibits may be able to cure a nasty case of writer’s block Alan has unfortunately developed, since she knows he’s capable of some truly great novels. He knows it, and it seems the town’s folk of Bright Falls do too. Naturally, being a psychological thriller, it’s not long before things turn sour. During a dispute between husband and wife, an eerie presence creeps in. Alice is then seemingly kidnapped, thus Alan begins his journey to find his wife, all the while figuring out why exactly the townsfolk have transformed into obscure shadow-like spirits known as the Taken.
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