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Monday, April 26, 2010
Muramasa: The Demon Blade Review:
Muramasa: The Demon Blade Review:
Muramasa: The Demon Blade, the latest game from Vanillaware, draws players into an elegant and action filled adventure set in the Genroku Age of Japanese history. This is a game that stands out for its artistic quality, personality, and an amazing display of how 2D images can still have some life in the videogame market.
The game is based on the legend of Muramasa Sengo, a katana forger well-known in his province during the Tokugawa Shogunate because of the extraordinary sharpness of his swords.
Sengo had a dubious reputation for being bloodthirsty and it was said that anyone who wielded one of his blades was engulfed by an uncontrollable lust for blood, to the point that every time the owners drew one, they felt the need to wet it in human or animal entrails before sheathing it again. Refusing to do so would lead the wielder to the point of insanity and suicide. Thus the name Muramasa came to be associated with the viler and more brutal aspects of the samurai calling.
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