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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
After what seems like an age since those original screenshots were first unveiled, Splinter Cell: Conviction is finally here and it looks almost unrecognisable. Indeed, if the path taken in Conviction is anything to go by, the series itself has now undergone a complete overhaul. It has evolved for the modern era of gaming. Sam is now a changed character and the rigid pure stealth of old has gone, no doubt to the chagrin of many long standing fans, but the Splinter Cell series is certainly not immune to the necessity of change.
Sam has gone rogue in a quest to discover who killed his daughter – that means he’s finally off his leash, free to do things his way in his search for vengeance and, crucially, free to jettison stealth and engage in combat when the need arises. The mystery surrounding the death of his daughter Sarah is only a small part of the story, and it’s really only in the second half of the game - when this particular storyline takes a back seat - that the game becomes particularly engaging.
Mission structure is varied. There’s really no let up in the action and definitely no filler. Most of the time this works wonders. One level you’re sneaking quietly into a high security building in a throwback to the series’ roots, in another you’re chasing an assassin through the crowded backstage of a political rally. There’s one occasion where Ubisoft make a huge error of judgment in an underwhelming flashback sequence that not only ultimately feels pointless, but also turns this excellent stealth action game into a mediocre third person shooter for its brief duration. That one level aside, the single player campaign is a lot of fun.
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